Become a Member of the Revelation Party

Tabernacle Membership Steps

There are three different Memberships, and three steps to get there to each Membership. This is done so you will fully understand everything, because in the end, no contract is valid unless you knowingly and willingly understand and consent. This ultimately is going into an everlasting covenant with Jesus of Nazareth as your King, and God as your father. You are becoming part of His Kingdom and Church. You will need to vote on a ballot, and learn from the “Learning” page, to understand the documents, and then you will get your own documents.

Step one. The first Membership is called the “Tabernacle Membership”. You will need to fill out the form on this “Become a Member” page to get into this Membership. This Membership will give you access to the “Ballot” page and “News” page. You must download the ballot and fill it out. You will vote for yourself to be your own representative, and vote for the measures of the documents. After you fill out the ballot you will need to fill out the form on the ballot page and this will give you access to the second Membership which is called the “Gate Membership”.

Step two. The “Gate Membership” will give you access to the “Learning” page, and the “Video” page. You must learn about everything in the “Learning” page. Once you have learned about everything, you will fill out the final form on the “Learning” page, and this will give you access to the third and final membership which is called the “Holy Place Membership”.

Step three. The “Holy Place Membership” will give you access to the “Documents” page and the “Assembly” page. Here you will fill out the documents and print them out. You will be a full member of the Tabernacle, and will have your own documents, which is your Constitution and laws that govern you. You will have access to post videos, news blogs, and join for a live assembly.

Tabernacle Membership

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